TGA-IR Hyphenation


PerkinElmer TGA4000 & Frontier IR
35 to 1.000 °C
Typische monstergrootte
10 mg
Type of TGA pans
Ceramic sample pans
Nitrogen or Air
Identification of gasses during TGA measurement

The two techniques of TGA and IR spectroscopy can be combined to obtain additional information on a material.

Measurements are carried out with a PerkinElmer TGA 4000 coupled to a gas cell in a PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR spectrometer. Samples can be measured over a temperature range of 35 to 1,000 °C in nitrogen or air, with the gases released being measured online in the IR spectrometer.

The method can be used to determine whether mass loss in a sample has to do with evaporation of specific components or is the result of degradation. In the case of multi-component systems, the order of evaporation can also be established.

TGA – IR Hyphenation is prefect for identification of gasses during TGA measurement.