PTG Eindhoven is located in the Brainport.

Equipment & techniques

For our Analysis & Advice projects we can make use of our own infrastructure and that of the TU/e.

Below you can find an overview of (part of) the equipment and techniques available at PTG/e, including a brief description of the equipment or technique.

You can also download a pdf overview of available analysis equipment and techniques.


Equipment category


analysis techniques type

Confocal Raman spectroscopy


WITec Alpha 300R
Possible laser wavelengths
532nm, 633nm and 785nm
Typical sample size
1 – 1000 μm
Sample types
Most organic and inorganic samples
Bio-Rad database containing over 25.000 reference spectra
Molecular fingerprint
Confocal raman spectroscopy Characterization is a great method to research the Molecular fingerprint of most organic and inorganic samples.

Raman spectroscopy is similar to infrared spectroscopy in a way that both techniques are used to identify unknown substances. Raman spectroscopy uses a laser to interact with an unknown substance. Confocal Raman microscopy combines the Raman spectroscopy with an optical microscope, which provides extra spatial (vertical and horizontal) resolution of samples. Therefore, this technique is especially useful for microscopic defect analysis. Analyses can be performed in 1D, 2D and 3D with spot sizes of less than 1,0 μm.

Contact angle


OCA-20 Contact Angle Measuring Instrument (DataPhysics Instruments GmbH)
Water, hexadecane
Contact angle
Contact angle measurement.

Contact angle measurements can be done on flat surfaces to determine its hydrophobic or hydrophilic behavior. A total of 10 drops will be placed on the to be measured surface which are then imaged by a camera. Via the software the contact angle at the left and right size is than calculated, and gives an average over the 10 droplets. With contact angle measurements a variation of +/- 3° in between measurements is within the tolerance limits.

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)


TA Instruments DSC250
Temperature range
-90 to 400 °C
Typical sample size
3-5 mg
Type of DSC pans
Aluminum, hermetic, high-pressure
Glass transition temperature (Tg)
Melting/crystallization temperature
Heat capacity
Phase change enthalpy
TA Instruments DSC250 with autosampler to analyse thermal properties of materials, such as melting point, crystallization temperature, glass transition temperature

DSC is used to obtain information from materials based on the response to change in temperature. It can reveal phase changes like melting, crystallization or a glass transition, which can help to identify polymers or provide compositional information (particularly when combined with other analytical techniques). The data can also be used to determine a material’s initial processing parameters. Furthermore, various kinetic events can be analyzed, such as curing or oxidation reactions.

Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)


Anton Paar Litesizer 500
Particle size range
0.3 nm to 10 μm
Typical sample volume / concentration
1 mL / 0.1 %
Temperature range
0 to 90 °C
Polystyrene or quartz
Particle or droplet size distribution

DLS is a technique used to determine the size of particles dispersed in a liquid or the size of droplets in an emulsion. The particle or droplet size distribution is measured with an Anton Paar Litesizer 500. The dispersion or emulsion is first diluted with the liquid in which the particles are dispersed to the appropriate concentration before it is transferred to the cuvette for the measurement.

Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA)


TA Instruments Q800
Temperature range
-140 to 600 °C
Frequency range
0.01 – 200 Hz
Maximum force
18 N
Dual / single cantilever
3-point bending
Viscoelastic behavior of materials
Thermo-mechanical properties
Glass transition temperature (Tg)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
DMTA Q800 techniques.

DMTA is a technique used to analyze the viscoelastic behavior of a material as a function of temperature of frequency. From the resulting variation in material stiffness, properties such as the glass transition temperature (Tg) can be determined. Transitions corresponding to other molecular motions can be identified as well.

Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS)


PerkinElmer Clarus 690 GC & SQ8T MS
Carrier Gas
Mass spectrum
Material identification
For identification and quantitation of volatile and semi-volatile compounds (VOC and SVOC). We use GC-MS, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. It delivers high throughput, rugged dependability, and great results.

Gas Chromatography combined with Mass Spectrometry is a way to identify or quantify (semi) volatile compounds. The sample is injected into the GC-MS and separated based on boiling point and affinity with the column. The separated components are than detected with a Mass Spectrometer resulting in a mass spectrum unique for a material. The obtained mass spectra are run through the NIST database to identify the detected components.